The Vernie Huffer Memorial / BMUC Anonymous Scholarship are made available to all active members of Benevola United Methodist Church who are full-time students in an accredited two-year or four-year college seeking an Associate’s degree or Bachelor’s degree in a discipline of study. Scholarship will not be given for graduate study.
The applicant should be aware that these grants are funded by interest earned from the
Vernie Huffer Estate and the BUMC Anonymous Scholarship.
Eligible applicants may receive a one-time grant. The Finance and Scholarship Committees will evaluate the grant amount periodically, depending on future donations and interest rates.
Full-time students must apply for the scholarship by the second Sunday of December. The application should outline the student’s activities at Benevola United Methodist Church, school (freshman may list senior year high school) and community. The Scholarship Committee will evaluate each application and will award grants based on information submitted.
Applications can be obtained from the church’s website at or the church office.
Grants will be awarded to the recipient on the first Sunday of January.
Click here to download the scholarship application.
The Lana Chaney Long Scholarship is made available to all active members of Benevola United Methodist Church who are full-time students in an accredited two-year or four- year college seeking an Associate’s degree or Bachelor’s degree in music or ministry. Scholarships will not be given for graduate study.
The applicant should be aware that these scholarships are funded by interest earned from the Lana Chaney Long Scholarship Fund.
Eligible applicants may receive this scholarship for two years. The Finance and Scholarship Committees will evaluate the grant amount periodically, depending on future donations and interest rates.
Full-time students must apply for the scholarship by the second Sunday of December. An essay describing why the student chose to study music or ministry must be included with the application. The Scholarship Committee will evaluate each application and will award grants based on information submitted.
Scholarships will be awarded to the recipient on the first Sunday of January.
Click here to download the scholarship application.